Buron Hochzeitsband Businessband
Buron Hochzeitsband Businessband



…ein kleiner Auszug.


Buron spielt:

An Tagen wie diesen (Tote Hosen)
Aint Nobody (Chaka Khan)
Angels (Robbie Williams)
Another Love (Tom Odell)
Augenbling (Seeed)
Auf uns (Andreas Burani)
Blame it on me (George Ezra)
Blue suede shoes (Elvis)
Born To be wild (Steppenwolf)
Breakfast at Tiffanys (Deep Blue Something)
Brenna tuats gut (Goisern)
Chasin Cars (Snow Patrol)
Come as you are (Nirvana)
Cordula Grün (Josh)
Country roads (Jhon Denver)
Da kommt die Sun (sts)
Dance with somebody  (Mando Chiao)
Drops of Jupiter
Don´t Bogart that joint (Steppenwolf)
Don’t look back in Anger (Oasis)
Don’t stop believin (Journey)
Don’t stop me now (queen)
Du entschuldige i kenn Di (Peter Cornelius)
Ein Kompliment (Sportfreunde Stiller)
Eawige Liabi (Mash)
Englishman in New York (Sting)
Everybody/Seven Nation Army (The Backstreet Stripes)
Fallin in Love (Elvis)
Fix You (Coldplay)
Fly Away / last night a Dj saved my life (Lenny Kravitz)
Follow Rivers (Triggerfinger)
Free fallin (Tom Petty)
Für immer ab jetzt (Oerding)
Fürstenfeld (STS)
Guantanamera (Joseíto Fernández )
Großvater (STS)
Hallo Klaus (Nickerbocker Biene)
Ham kummst (Seiler und Speer)
Happy (Pharrel)
Here Comes the Sun (Beatles)
Herz wie a bergwerk (Fendrich)
Hiatamadl (Goisern)
Hit the road a jack (Ray Charles)
Highway to Hell (ACDC)
Hold my Girl (George Ezra)
Hotel California (Eagles)
I want to break free (queen)
I am from Austria (Fendrich)
I´m Yours (Jason mraz)
I’m gonna be (500 miles)
Imagine (Jhon Lennon)
In my Place (Coldplay)
Irgendwann bleib i dann dort (STS)
It never rains in Southern California
Jailhouse rock (Elvis)
Just the way you are (Bruno Mars)
Junimond (Rio Reiser)
Jhonny Be Goode (Chuck Berry)
Keep on rockin in a free world (Neil Young)
Knockin on heavens door
Komet (Udo Lindenberg)
Krawall und Remmidemmi (Deichkind)
Lay down Sally (Eric Clapton)
Let me entertain You (Robbie Williams)
Lets twist again
Living on a prayer (Bon Jovi)
Love is in the air
Major Tom (Peter Schilliung)
Marhiuanabam (Hans Söllner)
Marmorstein und Eisen bricht (Drafi Deutscher)
Mad World
Mellau (Hmbc)
Nothing else matters (Metallica)
Perfect (Ed Sheeran)
Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash)
Rockstar (Stefan Dettl)
Save tonight (Eagle Eye Cherry)
Schickeria (Spyder Murphy Gang)
Schütte Dein Speck (Peter Fox)
Sex on Fire (Kings of Leon)
Skandal im Sperrbezirk (Spyder Murphy Gang)
Sternenhimmel (Hubert Kah)
Stir it up (Bob Marley)
Still havent found (U2)
Suits Leben (Seiler & Speer)
Summer of 69 (Brian Adams)
Summer in the City (Joe Cocker)
Sweat (a la la la la Long)
Sweet home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Sweet Child of mine (Guns’n’roses)
Sweet Caroline
The other side (Chili Peppers)
Türlich Türlich (Jan Delay)
Take the Weather with You
Use Somebody (Kings of Leon)
Under the Bridge (Chili Peppers)
W.Nuss von Bümpliz
Wake me up (Avici)
Whiskey in the Jar (Thin Lizzy)
Wildberry Lillet (Nina Chuba)
With or without You (U2)
Wonderfull tonight (Eric Clapton)
Wonderwall (Oasis)
You cant always geht what You want (Rolling Stones)